Illustration of three characters and a thriving ecosystem resting in the palms of a much larger offscreen character.

Our Partners

Our partners provide our Neighbors easier access to essential services.

Featured Service Partners

Illustration of a character reaching for a key in the sky. Wearing excellently funky pants.

Aunt Bertha

Aunt Bertha lists over 1,000 free and reduced cost programs serving every zip code in the United States that offer help finding food, paying bills, finding housing, and meeting other core needs. They also launched, which includes thousands of COVID-specific programs. 

Illustration of a character in the superhero pose being sprung into the air by a contraption.


mRelief makes finding out if you qualify for SNAP (formerly known as "food stamps) a 3-minute process you can do on your phone via text. They also make it easy to apply for SNAP by linking you to the relevant site for your state.

Illustration of a smiling character with a bird resting on their finger—all inside a glass dome with coronavirus germs on the outside.


NYC COVID Care is a network of over 3,000 professionals working in mental health, trauma, counseling, and emotional support. We work with them to provide our Neighbors mental health support.

Illustration of a character placing a dollar bill inside an oversized piggy bank. The character is wearing out-of-this-world pants again.

The 1K Project

The 1k Project uses a network of trusted connections to directly match a family impacted by the pandemic with a family committed to giving them $1k for 3 months. Currently, they are prioritizing families in critical need of support due to loss of income from the pandemic.

Delightful illustrations by Ivan Haidutski.

Photograph featuring two women of color. The one on the left is mid-laughter presumably because of something the other said.

Service Partners

If your organization makes essential services easier to access, like those featured above, we’d love to work with you to support our Neighbors!

GatherFor: Stories